RAA Roofing: Elevating Standards in Los Angeles Instant QuotePlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Address - Step 1 of 5Your new roof experience starts here. Fill out the following information to receive your roofing estimate...Property Address *NextWhich roof style is right for your project? *Flat/Asphalt/ShingleTilePreviousNextRoof Measurements We'll need some more details about your home's roof. Choose the roof pitch angle the most closely resembles your home's roof. If you're not sure, an approximation is fine. We'll confirm the details with you after.Roof Pitch *Flat 0/12Low 1-2/12Conventional 3-9/12Steep 9-12/12Roof pitch (or slope) tells you how many inches the roof rises for every 12 inches in depth.Number of StoriesProperty Stories123Home Square Footage Selected Value: 300 PreviousNextYou're almost there! Please finish up your cost estimate by filling out the contact information below.Name *FirstLastPhone Number *Email *ConsentI agree to receive calls, text messages and email with promotional offersPreviousNextCost Summary Roof CalculationsPrice: $0.00click submit to see the pricePreviousSubmit